When seeking to collect commercial bad debt on behalf of our clients, upon review of the file we immediately begin searching for ways to use our creative debt collection techniques to locate and freeze assets from which to get our clients paid. Once identified we immediately file suit and seek, where appropriate, ex parte attachments of your debtor’s bank account and income stream. In the war story below, we used ex parte attachments and/or reach and apply injunctions as part of our creative collection technique to freeze the debtor’s assets so that when we won the case, there may be an asset from which to collect.
FRAMINGHAM…. A gravel supplier’s out-of-state customer no longer responds to its bills, in effect telling the supplier to “go pound sand”. The gravel supplier called me. Using creative debt collection techniques to prevent the out-of-state customer from disbursing its assets, my client recovered its principal, interest, and costs. KA-CHING!!
The use of our creative collection techniques not only helped locate and freeze the debtor’s assets but brought them to the table to resolve this debt.
For more information about how our creative collection techniques can help you in Boston and throughout Massachusetts, visit our website at www.collections-law.com, email Attorney Alan M. Cohen at [email protected] or call Attorney Alan M. Cohen Cohen at 508-763-6604