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Success Stories
- A contractor had been given the run around by a property owner to the tune of over $200,000.00
- A Tale Of Two Creditors Our Aggressive And Relentless Collection Techniques Collects Six Figures Even Without Good Paperwork
- Attorney Alan M. Cohen Collected 300K in Old Debt Within 20 Days
- Attorney Collects $90,000.00.
- Bad Debt Collected Within Weeks
- Choose Who Other Attorneys Choose To Collect Their Commercial Debt
- Client Success Story A Bank Had A Low Seven Figure Deficiency Balance From A Foreclosure Its Foreclosure Attorney Did Not Do Deficiency Collections So The Bank Called Us
- Client Success Story A Fuel Suppliers Customers Willingness To Pay Its Debts Ran Dry Despite The Suppliers Many Calls And Letters The Debtor Just Stayed Silent
- Client Success Story A Lumber Suppliers Customer Splinters Away From The Paying Flock After Others Tried To Collect The Account For A Year The Supplier Contacts Us
- Collect Commercial Debt With Personal Property Attachments
- Collection Lawyer Successfully Uses A Bank Attachment To Collect Bad Debt
- Collections Attorney Collects $150,000.00
- Commercial Debt Collection Is What We Do
- Commercial Debt Collection With Boston Attorney Alan M Cohen
- Construction Litigation Attorney Collects Bad Debt
- Deadbeat Buster Newsflash — Aggressive Debt Collection Tactics Collects 400K
- Debt Collection Starts With Credit Applications And Commercial Terms So You Can Control Your Money
- Debt Collection Yields Nearly 70K
- Ever have a customer who accepts your merchandise and then doesn't pay?
- General Contractor Collects 200K
- How Our Business Collection Attorneys Domesticate And Enforce Foreign Judgments Against Debtors
- Massachusetts Tech Company Hired Us to Collect $50,000 Receivable
- Testimonials
- When Your Customer Goes Bad