Keeper Attachments
At the Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC, we use a series of attachments, both with notice and ex parte, to put you in a position of having prejudgment security when dealing with a delinquent debtor. One such attachment that we use to help even the playing field is a keeper attachment.
A keeper attachment allows the sheriff to take custody of your debtor’s cash that it receives at its cash register. This method of debt collection is most effective when the deadbeat in question is operating a cash business. The sheriff will seize all cash (but no checks) as it comes into the debtor’s business. Because of the impact that it has on the operation of a company, courts generally will not allow keeper attachments on an ex parte basis as frequently as they would with bank attachments.
One of the most crucial elements to remember when dealing with keeper attachments is that just because you have obtained one, it does not automatically entitle you to keep the asset you have secured. Just like any other prejudgment security, its intention is merely to even the playing field between you and your debtor. If you are looking for effective and relentless tactics to help you collect from your debtor, contact the experienced skilled collections attorneys at the Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC today by email or by phone at 508-763-6604 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced debt collection lawyers.
Success Story: How The Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC Uses Keeper Attachments To Help You Get Paid
A retail company (debtor) has been coming to you to purchase their products and other services, but the payments aren’t current or current. They may be for less than the services are worth or may not even be coming in at all. Suddenly, you become concerned about this account, and this customer is now a deadbeat. What would you do in this situation?
This scenario was precisely the case for Company Y. When this happened, they called the Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC. We sued and obtained an ex parte keeper attachment on the deadbeat’s business. The combined efforts of the attachment and our aggressive negotiations resulted in our client receiving approximately $32,000.00 in less than a week.
Interestingly enough, the deadbeat company filed for bankruptcy within four months of us taking action. Without our prompt and aggressive response, Company Y would have only seen table scraps from the struggling deadbeat business, if they were lucky.
The Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC uses innovative, aggressive and effective methods of collecting your delinquent accounts receivable from businesses anywhere which are subject to Massachusetts jurisdiction. To find out how we can fight to get you paid, call us at 508-763-6604 or send an email.
Read More About Attachments