Success Stories – Frustrated, A Massachusetts Tech Company Hired Us To Collect The $50,000 Receivable
Massachusetts – A tech company had provided code to one of its customers who then chose to keep the code and not pay. Frustrated, the tech company hired us to collect the $50,000.00 receivable.
We immediately filed suit. Eventually, the defendant defaulted, and we obtained judgment, which after interest, costs and attorney’s fees amounted to approximately $70,000.00, and on its face looked uncollectable. After doing extensive internet research, we learned that the judgment debtor sold an app via its website. The judgment debtor’s webpage said that it accepted payment through both Google and Apple Pay. We immediately filed a suit on the judgment in which we sought a reach and apply injunction pursuant to M.G.L. c. 214 Section 3. Our reach and apply injunction interrupted payments that both Google, Inc. and Apple, Inc. were to make to the judgment debtor.
As a result of our innovative and relentless efforts, our experienced commercial debt collection attorneys collected every single penny due to our client from the judgment debtor.
Other attorneys may have given up. WE DON’T. We thought outside of the box and reached and applied monies due from the payment processors until our client was paid in full.
Can you say KA-CHING??? Our Clients can.
If you have a judgment that needs collection against a company with intellectual property assets contact us today at 508-763-6604.
If you have a debtor who may have assets which can be reached and applied to get you paid, call the experienced and relentless debt collections attorneys at the Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC at 508-763-6604 or email us.