Watching your debtor continue business as usual while they owe you money can be incredibly frustrating. You have a judgment in hand, yet your debtor seems unfazed, conducting transactions and collecting payments without a second thought to what they owe you. It’s...
Reach and Apply Injunctions
Win a judgment, get paid…if you have a reach and apply injunction.
You would think that winning a judgment in your debt collection case would be the end of your legal ordeal. But it’s usually not. Just because a court has decided that your debtor does indeed owe you money, does not always mean that your debtor is actually going to...
How soon should we hire an aggressive debt collection attorney?
The answer could be different in an individual situation, but in commercial situations generally? The earlier the better. As soon as your ordinary, reasonable debt collection efforts have failed. Ballpark, a substantial receivable that is over 60 days late requires...
My debtor is collecting on his debts. Can I go after that money?
If you have a judgment against a Massachusetts commercial debtor, it may surprise you to learn that the courts don’t unilaterally enforce judgments. You sill have to collect – and you’re not going to do that with letters and phone calls. It’s even more maddening when...
When can a reach and apply injunction help you collect bad debt?
Collecting on bad debt is never as simple as it sounds, especially with commercial debt. Even once you have a judgment in hand, many debtors still do not pay willingly. You may need to identify assets yourself in order to claim them for debt payment. One type of asset...
Reach and Apply Injunctions Can Collect Bad Debt
The remedy called reach and apply injunctions is often used by creditors to ensure their debtors are required by the law to pay them back even when they show their bank balance is nowhere near the amount they owe. Therefore, reach and apply injunctions make for a...