When you are pursuing a commercial collections lawsuit against a business debtor, it is easy to assume that payment is just around the corner. Unfortunately, this assumption can be wrong and this isn't always the case. In Massachusetts, the mere act of suing does not...
Pre-Judgment Attachments
Property seizure: When can law enforcement get involved with debt collection?
Debt collection can escalate quickly when a debtor refuses to pay. At , our aggressive and relentless commercial collections attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience helping clients collect on unpaid debts. Our...
Utilizing ex parte attachments for Massachusetts commercial debt collection
When a debtor is delinquent, one of the biggest concerns for creditors is that the debtor doesn’t have enough money to pay what they owe. Securing an ex parte attachment to obtain pre-judgment security as part of a collections lawsuit can help to alleviate these...
Maximize the chances for debt recovery with a keeper attachment
Navigating the complexities of debt collection is an endeavor, even for larger Massachusetts businesses. At , our commercial litigation attorneys have more than 50 years of collective experience in commercial debt collection. Our success is...
Could we seize real estate to collect on a business-to-business debt?
In many cases, yes. If you speak for a large business or corporation that needs to collect on a commercial debt, you should know about this essential tool. In Massachusetts, a real estate attachment allows us to freeze the property before we even get a court judgment...
Does your debtor own a cash business?
We seek to freeze a debtor’s assets prior to obtaining a judgment so that there is an identifiable resource from which to get you paid.. Once you get that judgment, we seek leave of the court to direct the person or entity which is holding the debtor's seized assets...
How soon should we hire an aggressive debt collection attorney?
The answer could be different in an individual situation, but in commercial situations generally? The earlier the better. As soon as your ordinary, reasonable debt collection efforts have failed. Ballpark, a substantial receivable that is over 60 days late requires...
3 steps to effective business-to-business collections for medium and large companies
Medium-sized and large companies that are having trouble collecting on delinquent debts should act quickly. Time is of the essence – and that means you have no time for collection agencies. Did you know that collection agencies can’t force business debtors to pay?...
How to Deal With the Deadbeat Shuffle
Sometimes a debtor makes sporadic payments just to keep you from calling the Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC. We call this the deadbeat shuffle. Sometimes the sporadic payments are because of your debtor's cash flow. Other times, it is just a game to...
What makes a special real estate attachment so special in commercial collections?
When a creditor owes you money, you have many options for how to pursue the debt. The experienced commercial collection attorneys at the have used every method known to Massachusetts law since opening its doors in 1994. Some methods are...