The answer could be different in an individual situation, but in commercial situations generally? The earlier the better. As soon as your ordinary, reasonable debt collection efforts have failed. Ballpark, a substantial receivable that is over 60 days late requires...
Post-Judgment Collections
My debtor put all his assets in a trust. Are they out of reach?
Sometimes, customers go bad. They not only refuse to pay their debts, but they may also take steps to hide their money. This is often done in an effort to put their money out of reach from rightful creditors like you. They can try to hide the bacon, but we can usually...
3 steps to effective business-to-business collections for medium and large companies
Medium-sized and large companies that are having trouble collecting on delinquent debts should act quickly. Time is of the essence – and that means you have no time for collection agencies. Did you know that collection agencies can’t force business debtors to pay?...
I got a court judgment but the deadbeat still won’t pay. What now?
Some commercial debtors just won’t pay up even when they’ve lost in court. Can you believe it? That makes them something more than a regular deadbeat. To turn that judgment into money, you need the experienced collection attorneys at The Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen &...
Out of state post judgment collections
Getting a judgment in your favor is just the beginning. Creditors who have the courts on their side can still face obstacles when the debtor is in another state. At the Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC, we know the difficulties that can come with this...
3 reasons to use post-judgment litigation in collections
Once you manage to receive a judgment from the court for the debt a client or customer owes you, your next step is collecting on that judgment. Sometimes this is easier said than done. At , we know how difficult collection can be, even when...
How can a Rule 69 deposition help in debt collection?
If you are trying to collect on a debt, you may feel relieved when you finally have that judgment in hand. After all, obtaining a judgment from the court is the hard part, right? Not necessarily. Unfortunately, collecting on that judgment could prove to be a...
Pre-Judgment and Post-Judgment — We Work to Turn Over All of the Rocks to Find Where Your Debtor Hides its Money to Get You Paid
For a creditor, seeking out payment on a debt can be a time consuming, and often times, frustrating ordeal. Rather than going at it alone, there are experienced debt collection attorneys who can handle matters of bad debt collection on your behalf, giving you the time...